All the roadblocks ,the maneuvering and many multitasking
Working Women .......women who work .......traditionally women were home makers the main role was to take care of the house ,have children ,groom them ,and their lives were always revolving around the house ,Men were the bread winners and still are which meant that they get the money and the women bake the bread !!!
Over the years things changed women started moving out of the house to work ,to pursue their dreams ,their ambitions ,so we became home makers and also bread winners and also bread makers !!
When we moved out to follow our ambitions we were very happy in pursuing our dreams only to be jolted by reality of being a women who was also the bearer of a child and a care giver !!
Almost all us remember the time when we got to know that we are expecting ,the glee which was quickly loaded with questions what will I do now,How will I work ? should I quit working ? what about morning sickness ? There are million questions that spring up in our heads about pregnancy and baby worries even before the arrival of the baby.
The first step is to accept and take up the responsibility for ourselves and the baby ,I agree it will not be a cake walk .Add to it the morning sickness and tiredness syndrome ,the weight issues the food and the multi vitamins that you need to remember when to take etc etc .
It is indeed a life changing moment but what we need to do as women is to take charge and also develop a strong support system ,We need to get our issues addressed at work ,If your office doesn't have a parking reserved for women ask for it ,you don't have to wobble with your own weight and the heavy laptop ask for help tell the office boy to take it for you or if you don't have a office boy invest in a stroller which will be easier to carry .Pack your veggies make your lunch employ a maid to cook for you so that you don't have to stress on it too .There will be plenty to do besides cooking ,the nausea which will drive you crazy !!!
Coming back we need to create a support group for ourselves and trust me everyone around will be very happy to come forward and help ,confide in your boss or HR department explore options of working on flexi hours ,I am sure all organisations have a policy if they don't it is time you ask for it so that the organisation can help other women too .
It is all about the choices we make ,multitasking is the way to be but creating support and asking for help is the stepping stone to a successful career .
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